Coming Soon..
When the penny dropped for Chef Mark Beattie, Founder of Eggzi, he knew that his new business concept would fill a gap in the market, and he got excited.
When the penny dropped for Chef Mark Beattie, Founder of Eggzi, he knew that his new business concept would fill a gap in the market, and he got excited.
After 23 years cooking in the foodservice industry, and getting through numerous kitchen audits, he went on a mission to buy pasteurised eggs to use across multiple sections of the venue but couldn’t find a supplier.
“The bar was cracking eggs, wasting the yolks and using the whites to make Whisky Sour's to-order,” he said. “And the kitchen was wedded to manufactured mayonnaise due to the safety issues with unpasteurised eggs”.
"Who wants a bit of shell in a $20 cocktail? And aioli is on every menu around. You don’t have to buy it in… get back to your craft”.
Eggzi's pasteurised free range eggs, are packaged, and distributed to the foodservice industry. The eggs are pasteurised in liquid form and the packaging is specially designed to maintain the safety and quality of the eggs.
Come January, chefs, caterers and mixologists will be able to craft their masterpiece with safer Australian free range and pasteurised eggs. Easy... or Eggzi should we say!
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